Travis R. Alexander


Business Development Specialist

Travis R. Alexander, PhD, joins SPV Soils to oversee the business development of our stormwater management products. He holds a PhD in Horticulture from Washington State University where he focused his research on orchard production factors in cider apples. Before that, he earned a M.S. in Horticulture from UC Davis and a B.S. in Biochemistry & Cell Biology from UC San Diego.

After completing his doctorate in the Pacific Northwest, Travis spent five years as an adjunct at multiple community colleges delivering courses in the Life Sciences and Natural Sciences.

In addition to working for SPV Soils, Travis is currently the Online Coordinator for the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Master Food Preserver Program.

When he is not working, Travis enjoys spending time with his wife and son. He is also a model train enthusiast and a California Rare Fruit Growers supporter.

Travis is originally a native of San Diego County and we are happy to welcome him back! His favorite SPV Soils product is our Monkey Hair Mulch® because its extremely effective for erosion control on bare slopes and hillsides.