Grower’s Mulch

Enjoy a spike in color with San Pasqual Valley Soils’ Grower’s Mulch, available in bulk!

Grower’s Mulch is a customer favorite. 1”to 3” in size and screened to remove fines, this product is produced from select clean vegetative matter and contains no curbside green waste. It gets its rich brown color from the composting process, which ensures all weed seeds are destroyed. The dark hue of Grower’s Mulch makes for great landscape aesthetics, and allows plant and shrub flower colors to pop.

In addition to being an excellent choice for weed suppression and erosion control, Grower’s Mulch has larger particle sizes that are great for pathways.

Grower’s Mulch is processed in strict accordance with state regulations, including a PFRP (Process to Further Reduce Pathogens) phase, ensuring both pathogens and weed seeds are destroyed. It is has the Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Certification from USCC. It is also certified  Caltrans Coarse Grade Compost and SB 1383 compliant.

For best results, apply 2 to 3” thick. For a 2” application, about 6 cubic yards is required for each 1,000 square feet, and 9 cubic yards if applied at a depth of 3”.

Grower’s Mulch’s low price and consistent quality make it an ideal, cost effective choice for a multitude of landscape applications.

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US Composting Council STA Certified Compost for Trees and Shrubs Logo | SPV Soils
SB 1383 Logo | SPVS Soils