Dr. K – In the News

Dr. K – In the News

Check in here for compost and mulch news stories from the San Diego County area. Dr. K is on a mission to share his compost and mulch sustainable management practices knowledge and expertise through training sessions, demonstrations and webinars. See what he has been up to…

Dr. K met with the City of Chula Vista’s Parks and Recreation staff on World Soil Day to discuss and demonstrate the many benefits that compost and mulch provide in the landscape. His presentation covered how to use compost and mulch to conserve water, stabilize slopes, mitigate water pollution, manage stormwater, and enhance the overall health of parks and open spaces.

Dr. K Demonstrates mulching around a tree
Dr. K shows off our grow sock
Dr. K discusses compost sock applications

Dr. K set up multiple demonstrations to show the various application methods, tools, and equipment used to improve and stabilize the soil. Demonstrations for compost blankets, filter socks and grow socks were presented to show the best options for dealing with heavy rain throughout the parks. Compost and mulch are amazing resources for improving the health of the soil while also adding beauty. They are also critical for managing stormwater and preventing erosion.

Sustainable Management Practices (SMP’s) were discussed throughout the presentation.  SMP’s are the new paradigm and foundation (replacing best management practices) for compost utilization in Sustainable Site Development. SMP’s include twenty four different applications to address a wide range of environmental problems and site conditions that can benefit parks and public spaces. All of this information is covered in the book, “The Sustainable Site: The Design Manual for Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development”.  All jurisdictions looking to meet their statewide SB 1383 compliance requirements should get a copy of the book for guidance. It is available at the Stormwater University Bookstore.

Dr. K discusses using filter socks for stormwater management
Dr. K talks about compost blanket installations

Dr. K finished up the presentation discussing how the city can meet SB1383 state mandates and climate goals by increasing compost and mulch use. Procurement options to facilitate these goals were also discussed. The attendees enjoyed a luncheon provided by the city following the presentation.

Dr. K shows off our filter and grow socks
Final thoughts for the day

World Soil Day has been celebrated since 2002 on December 5th as a way to highlight the importance of healthy soil and promote best practices for sustainable management of this precious resource. We like to celebrate it every day at SPV Soils!

Dr. K with Nan Sterman Garden Group Tour November 2023 | SPV Soils
Nan Sterman’s Waterwise Garden Group Tour with Dr. K

What the heck is a trommel screen? The word trommel comes from the German word for drum. Early versions were used by the Romans to separate material when mining gold. The design was improved in the 1800’s and it is now used for sorting in the mining, construction, waste management, and composting industries. Over the years, they continued to evolve and they are now available in various shapes and sizes. Using a trommel screen improves product quality, reduces waste and manual labor, and promotes sustainability. Businesses run more efficiently and economically when they use trommel screens.

The one pictured is a drum-style screen that rotates at an angle and is loaded at the top. As the screen agitates, the smaller-sized particles are sifted through the screen while larger particles fall out of through the bottom. Screen mesh comes in multiple gauge sizes to sort out material from 1/8 inch and 3 inches. Some materials may require multiple passes through different sized screens until the desired product consistency is reached.

At SPV Soils, we use trommel screens to separate particle size fraction when producing various products like our Planter’s Blend Compost, Valley’s Best Compost®, Nitro-Blend Compost, and Grower’s Mulch.

Planter’s Blend Compost and Grower’s Composted Mulch are actually derived from the same feedstock and composting process.  Upon completion of the “Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP)” the material is allowed to sit for a minimum of two weeks to several months to cool down and stabilize. After the curing process is complete, the “pasteurized” compost is then fed through the trommel screen to produce two distinct yet biologically similar products that are safe to use and free of weed seeds.

Grower’s Mulch is a coarse composted mulch that can be used to filter stormwater, removing sediment and contaminants. It is also excellent for use reducing soil erosion and weeds. Planter’s Blend is a finer compost that absorbs more stormwater thereby reducing even more run-off and loss of underlying soil (erosion) leading to greater infiltration and water conservation. Both of these products can be used to manage stormwater in the landscape by covering bare soil, creating a compost blanket, or using compost socks.

When it comes to using compost, particle size classification makes a big difference! By making compost more versatile, we are increasing its value and usefulness and helping divert a valuable environmental resource from going to our landfills. And the trommel screen helps us do this!

The ladies looking through the trommel screen in the photo with Dr. K are part of Nan Sterman’s Waterwise Garden Group. They were taking a tour of the SPV Soil facility and getting an insider’s view on how our products are produced! The photo is an interesting perspective into the compost world.

Nan Sterman is a force for gardening and farming here in the San Diego region with her TV show, “A Growing Passion”. She is a botanist, horticulturist, garden designer, and expert educator with a passion for plants. Over the years, she has written gardening articles that have been featured in Home Garden Lifestyle Magazine, Sunset Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, and Organic Gardening. She has also written articles and columns for a variety of California newspapers and publications. Check out her website, Waterwise Gardener, for more information, gardening tips, design, and how-to videos.

Nan loves our soil yard and Dr. K enjoys giving tours to her garden groups and showing off our products.

Image courtesy of a member of Nan Sterman’s Water Wise Garden Group Tour.

Dr. K, Ernie Klemm, and Frank Konyn of SPVS with UCANR & CDFA groups
Dr. K discussing SB 1383 products

Dr. K, Frank Konyn, and Ernie Klemm hosted a SB 1383 workshop and facility tour to various groups from UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) at our SPV Soils yard on August 5th. Attendees were introduced to our SB 1383 compliant compost and mulch products and strategies were discussed to assist with program implementation throughout Southern California including San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

As the tour moved through the yard, the group saw various stages of our compost and mulch being produced as well as the final products. They learned how the local agricultural community could benefit from using our products while utilizing sustainable farming practices.

Dr. K discussing compost and mulch
Yard waste dropped for recycling
Compost and mulch piles with turner

Supporting local farmers through education, programs, and grants to help combat climate change and ensure success was also discussed. Implementing carbon-smart farming practices including the logistics of transporting and spreading of compost on farms is becoming more critical for jurisdictions challenged with funding and complying with the statewide mandate to divert recycled organics from landfills and utilize it locally. Our compost and mulch products are already being used extensively by San Diego and regional farms in their quest to do just that.

Checking out the compost
Checking out the mulch
Dr. K with attendees
Ernie Klemm with attendees

Our new storm water management products featuring “compost socks” were introduced to the attendees along with best practices for using them to filter storm water and as grow socks. At the end of the day, attendees were offered compost grow socks to take home and try out.

We appreciate the opportunity to work with these agencies to educate local farmers and promote environmental sustainability and compliance. Pictures are courtesy of Saoimanu Sope of UCANR.

Dr. K shared an exhibit table with Kevin Grangetto of Grangetto’s Farm and Garden Supply at the Avocado Field Seminar in Valley Center on June 25th. There were over 100 folks at this well attended event where presenters focused on tips and techniques to grow and care for avocado trees.

He brought resources and information on Zero Foodprint’s Compost Connector Program and using our products to grow better crops. It was great to learn that many producers already use our compost and mulch. Healthy soil is the key to success in the agricultural industry!

Growers were encouraged to find out that they can save money through Compost Connector while also improving their soil with our products. They wanted to learn more about this rebate program which helps San Diego area farmers and ranchers get money back on our SB 1383 compliant compost. And Dr. K provided them with pamphlets and information on how to sign up.

We hope that the seminar generated some new Compost Connector applicants! Click on the links below to find out more and enroll in the program.

Thank you to Kevin Grangetto for inviting us to the seminar.

The Avocado Field Seminar was hosted by the California Avocado Society, California Avocado Commission, and the UC Cooperative Extension on June 25th.

CA Landscape Contractors Association Keepin' it Green Event with Dr. K 4.18.24 | SPV Soils

Dr. K will be making a presentation on Filtrexx® compost-based stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to members of the San Diego Chapter of the California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) on April 18, 2024. He will be providing literature on the use of compost-based BMP’s for sediment and stormwater run-off, showing off some of our sock samples, and answering questions.

Our compost and grow sock manufacturing facility is the only one currently operating in Southern California and SPV Soils is manufacturing and shipping the made-to-order socks to cities, contractors, and landscapers throughout the southern half of the state.

The Lunch and Learn presentation is being hosted by American Sod Farms at their facility and SiteOne Landscape Supply will also be presenting at the event (see flyer for details). This event is free and members should sign up by 4.12.24 to attend.

click on image to enlarge

Dr. K hosted a tour of our facility and shared his industry knowledge with a group of young adults from D’Vine Path on March 14th. The group enjoyed learning about our operation and getting some ‘hands on’ experience comparing the different types of compost and mulch that we produce. It was a fun afternoon for everyone and we think there may be some future composters in the group!

Dr. K Teaching the D'Vine Path Tour Group 3.14.24 | SPV Soils

Dr. K talks compost & mulch

D'Vine Path Tour Group with Dr. K 3.14.24 | SPV Soils

D’Vine Path Tour Group with Dr. K

D'Vine Path Tour Group getting their hands dirty 3.14.24 | SPV Soils

Sampling the mulch

Click on images to enlarge

D’Vine Path is a non-profit that offers programs and learning opportunities for neurodiverse adults in agriculture, hospitality, and the arts. They provide custom-tailored resources to help individuals learn life and vocational skills to establish and realize goals for employment, personal well-being, and growth.

We were really impressed with this organization and the tour group that visited with us! Organizations like D’Vine Path make a huge impact on individual lives, families, and communities so it is important to support them.

D'Vine Path Poster 3.23.24 Event | SPV Soils

D’Vine Path hosted a talent show, ‘Over The Rainbow’, on March 23rd in Fallbrook showcasing their students’ performances. They host numerous events throughout the year to raise awareness and support their cause. Click on the links below to learn more about this amazing organization.

Developing the Circular Bioresources Economy in California

Collaboration in the local economy

Wednesday, November 29th at 9:15 – 10:45 am

Dr. K presented “Collaboration in the Local Economy” on behalf of the Association of Compost Producers on November 29th at 9:15 am via Zoom. He will focus on the importance of recycling and repurposing waste while also building and strengthening the local circular economy.

This free annual symposium is a two-day event which includes many different topics and strategies for recycling bioresources to reduce waste, build circular economies, and manage our climate. It is being held in the Byron Sher Auditorium at the CalEPA building in Sacramento and will include remote Zoom presentations. Symposium dates are November 28 – 29, 2023 from 9 am to 4:45 pm.

Click on the links below to see the program and presentations.

This Symposium is organized by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9, California Air Resources Board (CARB), California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Association of Compost Producers (ACP), California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), UC Davis, and Manatt Phelps and Phillips. SPV Soils is a member of the Association of Compost Producers. Contact Lauren Fondahl at fondahl.lauren@epa.gov you have questions about this event.

San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo | SPV Soils

He exhibited our products, featuring Monkey Hair Mulch, and talked with booth visitors about the importance of soil health and what to do to improve it at the Expo on November 2nd. This annual event is a great opportunity for farmers, ranchers, and nurserymen to access the latest industry information and resources. The show included an informative series of seminars throughout the day and free well water testing for those who brought a water sample. Numerous customers came by our booth and mentioned how much they love our products including folks that had purchased our Monkey Hair Mulch. The last part of the day included a vendor and attendee social where everyone was able to share knowledge and experience while expanding their networks. Dr. K enjoyed chatting with everyone!

Dr. K at our San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo Booth | SPV Soils
Dr. K talking about Monkey Hair Mulch at our San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo Booth | SPV Soils
Dr. K and Monkey Hair Mulch at our San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo Booth | SPV Soils
Monkey Hair Mulch at San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo Booth | SPV Soils
San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo Booth featuring Monkey Hair Mulch | SPV Soils
San Diego Farm and Nursery Expo Booth | SPV Soils

Click on images to enlarge

This event was hosted by the Farm Bureau of San Diego County.

Dr. K shared his expertise while exhibiting at the Teacher Resource Fair on October 10th at San Diego’s beautiful Botanic Garden. There were over 180 San Diego County educators in attendance at this popular annual event looking for information and materials to promote student agricultural literacy. Dr. K has attended this Resource Fair for the last three years where he enjoys sharing information about our compost and mulch products and how to use them to create wonderful “teaching gardens”. His focus is on educating the instructors on compost best management practices to sequester carbon and cool the planet. Some of the participants expressed their appreciation of Dr. K and the resources that he shares every year.

Dr. K exhibits at SD Teacher Resource Fair | SPV Soils
Dr. K sharing compost and mulch information
Dr. K at SD Teacher Resource Fair | SPV Soils
Dr. K talking with educators about compost best management practices

This event was sponsored by San Diego Ag in the classroom, San Diego Botanic Garden, Bitchin’ Sauce, North Island Credit Union, and Nutrien Ag Solutions.

Dr. K is presenting at SWAW 2023 | SPVSoils

The Soil Carbon/Storm Water Management Connection: Why It’s Important!

Sep 28, 2023

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Did you know that carbon in healthy soil plays a critical role in improving the management of storm water run-off and soil erosion? In this workshop, you will learn what soil carbon and nature’s carbon cycle is and how to utilize it to better manage water and minimize erosion on your property. The latest soil carbon research will be discussed along with techniques to optimize soil health and storm water capture.

This workshop is sponsored by Storm Water Awareness Week

SDG&E is working with SPV Soils to recycle green waste, improve the soil, promote a circular economy, and make San Diego a greener, safer place to live!

SDGETM Vegetation Management Team, SPV Soils recycling tree trimmings. Images from a SDGETM Facebook post

In their quest to reduce the threat of wildfires, San Diego Gas & Electric’s Vegetation Management Team trims about 180,000 trees every year! That is a lot of trees! And in their quest to be more sustainable, SDGETM has been recycling their tree trimmings with us since 2014. Their goal is to divert 100% of their green waste from the landfill by 2030 per their sustainability plan. By recycling their green waste with us, they are saving money, reducing their carbon footprint, and promoting a sustainable circular economy.

We love helping businesses meet their sustainability goals and are honored to be a part of this circular economy by creating premium compost and mulch products from their recycled tree trimmings.

Learn more about San Diego Gas & Electric’s sustainable business practices, their partnership with SPV Soils, and all the amazing uses and benefits of our compost and mulch in the San Diego Region. Read “Climate Week: Our Vegetation Team’s Green Impact” published on the SDGETM website NewsCenter 9.18.23.

Thank you for all you are doing to green up San Diego County and keep us all safe, SDGETM!

Dr. K Inspecting a local Vineyard | SPVSoils

Dr. K was invited to talk to the San Diego County Vintners Association about soil health for vineyard operations and how to manage and protect it. During the well attended July 25th seminar, Dr. K discussed using soil amendments and composted mulch to improve soil health, improve crop quality, and increase crop harvests. He also shared a well documented case study with supporting research on the value and benefits of applying “composted” mulch on wine grape vineyards. The case study took place in Mornington Peninsula, Australia over a period of four years. The final results revealed that composted mulch has a positive affect on soil temperature, moisture, biology, phenology, canopy health, vine balance, and crop outcomes. The study also revealed that vineyards using composted mulch saw a 20% reduction in their irrigation bill. The encouraging study results have persuaded a growing number of vineyards across Australia to adopt using composted mulch on a regular basis. Read the case study, Effects of spreading composted mulch under the vines, published by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program to learn how you can improve your vineyard soil health and your bottom line.

Green Grapes | SPVSoils
San Diego County Vintners Association Logo | SPVSoils
Purple Grapes | SPVSoils

Amended Topsoil delivery to fairgrounds May 18, 2023

A small portion of Grangetto’s award-winning garden entry

Dr. K and Kevin Grangetto from Grangetto’s Farm & Garden Supply enjoy collaborating on local projects and events together. So when Dr. K heard that Grangetto’s needed some premium topsoil for their Garden Exhibit entry at the San Diego County Fair, he arranged for SPV Soils to donate ten yards of our Amended Topsoil for the project. Hannah Eubanks of Design For Serenity was brought in to design a beautiful 1,750 square foot succulent garden that would be easy to care for in the San Diego area. She used the Amended Topsoil as a base for the garden display that included a variety of rock, stepping stones, and gravel along with colorful sculptures and accent pieces interspersed throughout. She actually created two gardens for the exhibit. One is a commercial style installation and the other is a residential style garden. We think the gardens turned out beautifully and apparently the judges agree… Grangetto’s exhibit entry won five awards! Congratulations to Grangetto’s and Hannah! You can learn more about the project and see additional pictures on Grangetto’s webpage. You can also see the exhibit in person along with the other entries at the San Diego County Fair through July 4th.

You can purchase our premium composts, mulches and specialty mixes at all four of Grangetto’s retail locations along with many other San Diego based products. Stop by and visit sometime.

SPVSoils Exhibit Table | Graze at the Fields 2023
SD County Supervisor Joel Anderson Certificate of Recognition | SPVSoils
SPVSoils Exhibit | Graze at the Fields 2023

Dr. K had a great time attending ‘Graze at the Fields’ in Carlsbad Friday evening featuring locally grown food and beverages from the San Diego agricultural community. He brought a selection of our products to display at the SPVSoils exhibit table and was thrilled to see many of our customers that stopped by to chat! He appreciated the opportunity to visit with attendees, thank customers for their patronage, talk healthy soil, and hand out SPVSoils pens. The sold-out event was hosted by the San Diego County Farm Bureau and the Carlsbad Flower Fields and it was well-supported by many local business sponsors. During the event, Supervisor Joel Anderson from the County of San Diego, presented Dr. K with a Certificate of Recognition to acknowledge SPVsoils support of ‘farm to table connections” and a ‘vibrant agricultural scene’. We appreciate the recognition and are proudly displaying the certificate in our sales office. If you missed it this year, plan on getting tickets early for next year’s event so you too can enjoy the outdoor ‘grazing’ experience put together by local businesses. There was a lot of amazing locally prepared food, wine, and beer at the event and fun was had by all!

Dr. K conducted a compost and mulch training session for the City of Chula Vista, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego on March 28th. In his presentation, he shared sustainable management practices and techniques for optimizing compost and mulch use. Attendees learned about top dressing turf and how to use compost blankets and socks to stabilize slopes, manage storm water, and control erosion. Demonstrations of the products in use were provided during this well attended event.

SB 1383 Pathways to Success! Building the Final Link in the Circular Organics Economy“ at US Composting Council’s


Dr. K was a Featured Speaker and Workshop Instructor for the “SB 1383 Procurement Workshop: Building the Final Link in the Circular Organics Economy” at US Composting Council’s Compost2023 Conference in Ontario, CA the week of January 24, 2023.

Compost2023 is the largest compost industry conference in the world that advances everything related to compost to benefit the environment and society. Dr. K’s workshop provides training and direction to industry professionals in order to become Healthy Soil Practitioners in compliance with SB 1383. The multi-phase workshop is hosted by the California Chapter of the American Association of Compost Producers, of which Dr. K is a member, and includes other instructors. A field trip to Cal Poly Pomona for healthy soil activities and presentations that feature a variety of application tools is also included.

Dr. K has a wealth of knowledge and expertise that makes him a compost industry leader and we are pleased to have him on the SPV Soil’s Team!