SB 1383 Compliant Compost and Mulch

SB 1383 Compliant Compost and Mulch

SB 1383 Compliant Compost and Mulch is available at SPV Soils! We produce a variety of compost and mulch products that meet California’s SB 1383 Procurement Requirements. SB 1383 went into effect to set methane emission reduction targets for short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) and reduce the amount of organic waste going to landfills. All California jurisdictions must implement strategies and programs designed to reduce landfilled organics by 75% by 2025.

It also mandates that food recovery practices are increased 20% by 2025. A helpful resource is Procurement Requirements for Recovered Organic Waste Products in SB 1383 prepared by StopWaste.

To comply with SB 1383, California counties and cities must purchase, use or donate an amount of recovered organic residual products equal to or exceeding 0.08 tons (160 pounds) per California resident in their jurisdiction per year.

Find more information about SB 1383 procurement requirements at CalRecycle’s Procurement Targets and Recovered Organic Waste Products.

California jurisdictions can confidently procure the following SB 1383 qualified compost and mulch products from us to ensure that they are in compliance:

SB 1383 Logo | SPVS Soils
SPVSoils Calculator

Click on the Calculator to figure out how much you need.

Click on the images to learn more about our products.

There is a new program available to farmers and ranchers in San Diego County to help them save money purchasing our SB 1383 compliant compost. See if you qualify for Zero Foodprint’s Compost Connector Program.

To learn more about SB 1383 compliance visit CalRecycle’s SB 1383 Education and Outreach Resources. Let us know if you have any questions about our products, SB 1383 requirements, or if you need help meeting your target goals.