Dr. K’s Compost and Mulch Tips

Dr. K’s Compost and Mulch Tips

Check in here for seasonal and general recommendations on how to better manage your soil and landscape with our compost, mulch, and specialty soils. Healthy soil is the key to a beautiful, thriving landscape and a successful crop harvest. Our goal is to help you in your quest to attain that.

Improve the local environment and economy while meeting California regulatory mandates using our locally produced premium composts

Communities in California face environmental and economic challenges that can actually be remedied using compost. You read that correctly… compost is the solution to many of our challenges! Some areas of concern to everyone are water resource management objectives, fire damaged lands, climate change, waste reduction, and environmental justice. It is all a little overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

California has implemented regulations to address mitigating these issues while helping our economy grow at the same time. The Association of Compost Producers (ACP) has compiled a ‘Compost is the Solution!’ List of Resources to make it easy for Californians to learn about these issues and become involved in improving our soils, waterways, air quality, and the local economy while reducing waste.

And you can be a part of that solution by learning what steps you can take to make our world a better place using compost. Community leaders and organizations have created easy-to-follow guidelines on how to use locally sourced compost to improve our watersheds, fire damaged lands, air quality, climate, and solid waste systems. The Association of Compost Producers provides website links to all of these leader organizations in their ‘Compost is the Solution!’ List of Resources for you.

Now is the time to get involved. Together, we can create a healthier San Diego with a stronger economy. Click on the link below and see how easy it is to do your part.

U.S. EPA Benefits of Applying Compost | SPV Soils
This image is courtesy of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Website

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a document on the many uses and benefits of compost. Read the EPA’s “Environmental Value of Applying Compost: Improving Soil Health for Stormwater Management, Contaminated Site Remediation, Ecosystem Restoration, Landscaping and Agriculture” document to see why compost really is THE SOLUTION!

Mulch | SPVS

No matter what time of year it is, adding mulch to your garden is a good thing! During warmer months, insulate plant roots from the heat and help retain valuable water at the same time. During cooler months, use mulch to insulate plant roots from cold weather and to help manage erosion during winter storms. We have many different types of mulch to choose from for different applications and aesthetics. No matter which one you choose, mulch will give your landscape a clean and polished look while providing many awesome benefits for your plants and soil. Not sure what you need for your garden? Ask us!

Mulch: A protective covering spread or left on the ground to reduce evaporation, maintain even soil temperature, prevent erosion, control weeds, and enrich the soil.

— Merriam-Webster

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Fireproofing Landscape | SPVS

Dr. K was recently featured in a Ramona Sentinel article for providing guidance and tips to the Ramona Garden Club on choosing the best garden materials for fire protection at their August 8th meeting. During his presentation, he emphasized that selecting the least combustible landscape materials is the key to protecting your landscape from fire threats. Our composted mulch is a great choice for this application. For more information and tips on fire-proofing your landscape with our composted mulch, check out Dr. K’s blog post. He also suggests that you read the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension’s, “The Combustibility of Landscape Mulches Publication”. Check out the video below compliments of Good Morning America, “How plants on your property could save your house from a fire”.

Compost is the product manufactured through the controlled aerobic, biological decomposition of biodegradable materials. The product has undergone mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures, which significantly reduces the viability of pathogens and weed seeds (in accordance with EPA 40 CFR 503 standards) and stabilizes the carbon such that it is beneficial to plant growth. Compost is typically used as a soil amendment, but may also contribute plant nutrients. (AAPFCO definition, official 2018)  Finished compost is typically screened to reduce its particle size, to improve soil incorporation.”

US Composting Council

Compost can absorb up to 4 times its weight in water! | SPV Soils

Check out Dr. K’s Tips to help you with problem areas during the rainy season in his Compost Blanket Workshop video and the US EPA’s Compost Blanket Publication!

Get compost and mulch in place and reduce the impact of rain on your property!

SPVS Grow With Us Leaves

Use California Native Mulch® to create a compost blanket!

Did you know that you can use the California Native Mulch® for more than just mulching your orchard or landscape? It is also the perfect material for creating an extremely effective erosion control best management practice.

You can create a Compost Erosion Control Blanket (CECB) for use on slopes/hillsides where the blend of this coarse and fine compost is ideal for holding soil in place when heavy rainfall and run-off can become a major problem. It is also great for supporting vegetative growth. A layer of compost mulch (i.e. CECB 1-2” in depth on sloped areas) when combined with a grass seed, is particularly effective at anchoring soil in place, mimicking Nature in how to best conserve valuable topsoil through intimate contact with the underlying native soil. For complete instructions and tips, open the pdfs below from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Let us know if you have any questions.

Compost Erosion Control Blanket on slope with Compost Filter Sock at Crown | SPVSoils
Compost Erosion Control Blanket on slope with Compost Filter Sock at Crown
Soil Contact with Fine Compost | SPVSoils
Soil Contact with Fine Compost
Vegetated Compost Erosion Control Blanket | SPVSoils
Vegetated Compost Erosion Control Blanket
Using Manure Compost | SPVS

Get amazing results when you follow Dr. K’s guidelines for using our Valley’s Best Compost® for:

  • Trees, Shrubs, and Vines
  • Turf Establishment & Top-dressing
  • Vegetable and Flower Beds

Click on link or download the pdf below to see Dr. K’s guidelines.

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ILSR Poster - What is Composting | SPVSoils
“This poster comes from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (www.ilsr.org), a national nonprofit organization working to strengthen local economies, and redirect waste into local recycling, composting, and reuse industries. It is reprinted here with permission.”

Click on the video title to watch Dr. K’s presentation.

Peri-Urban Agriculture | SPV Soils

San Diego County Farm Bureau – 2 part Webinar Series
A Plant Pathologist Looks at the Health of Peri-Urban Agriculture in San Diego County; What it is and why it is important – And what it will take to sustain its future

Part I – Peri-Urban Agriculture
What Is It and Why Is It Important to Understand Its Unique Characteristics and Opportunities

Part II – Peri-Urban Agriculture
Successful Models of Healthy Peri-Urban Farms and the Foundation Required to Sustain Them

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