Compost Socks and Stormwater

Compost Socks and Stormwater

A compost sock is a mesh tube filled with compost or mulch and it is used in Best Management Practices (BMPs) for managing stormwater and erosion control. The tubes are available in a variety of diameters and lengths for use in various applications. The tube mesh also comes in different sizes to optimize water filtration and/or plant growth.

Compost is very effective at absorbing and filtering stormwater. Compost also adds biology to support the rapid development and growth of vegetation. Plant roots anchor the soil to minimize the release of sediment on slopes and this is what prevents erosion. If you add seed to the sock, you now have living green infrastructure or a berm that you can place where ever you need it. You can use them on slopes or for creating a bioretention basin or rain garden for low-lying, problem areas in the landscape. They will filter out pollutants and prevent flooding while also creating an attractive, easy to care for habitat for birds and butterflies.

Compost Socks protecting a storm drain

You will often see compost socks along highways and parking lots as they are very effective at managing run-off and erosion. They are easy to install and equally effective in commercial and residential applications. Join me on a Compost Sock Application Project Tour to learn more about using compost socks. Click on the link to watch the video and take the tour, “Mulch BMP Tour UCSD 2021“, from the County of San Diego’s Department of Public Works. You can get more information about watershed protection and landscaping strategies from SD Department of Public Works below.

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Compost Socks for inlet protection
Close up of installed Compost Socks

CalRecycle also has some great resources on using compost socks and creating rain gardens that you may find helpful. Check it out via the links below.

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Stacked Compost Socks Sediment Trap | SPV Soils
Compost Sock Stacked Pyramid

The links below from Filtrexx® cover a wide array of applications and the specifications for using the socks to solve environmental stormwater issues.

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Stacked Compost Socks | SPV Soils

You can stack compost socks in a pyramid fashion to handle filtering larger amounts of water. Stacking smaller size socks accomplish the same thing as using a larger diameter single 12” sock. The shorter the length, the easier the socks are to install and move around. It is a very effective barrier that is easy to move and install.

Filtrexx Sediment Trap | SPV Soils

You can also arrange compost socks to create a basin in which you can trap sediment and or contaminants. The sediment trap retains the pollutants on construction sites, along roadways, and in areas of erosion. Arranging compost socks in a stacked pyramid formation is very useful when building a sediment trap.

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Dr. K's Tools & Tips For Creating Green Infrastructure Using Compost - SWAW2024 |  SPV Soils

Join Dr. K for this Storm Water Awareness Week workshop that focuses on Low Impact Development (LID) and creating Green Infrastructure to stabilize and remediate soils using compost recorded in September of 2024. He will share tips and techniques for handling compost and various applications for using it as a growing media. He will also discuss which composted products work best for challenging sites and soil conditions. Click on the link below to watch the pre-recorded video.

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Compost - A Nature-based Storm Water BMP- 2024 | SPV Soils

Dr. K created a helpful presentation on using compost for storm water best management practices for the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA). Watch his presentation, ‘Compost – A Nature-based Storm Water BMP’, to learn why you should be using compost to manage stormwater on your property. Click on the link below to see Dr. K’s presentation.

SPVS Grow With Us Leaves

We produce 8” and 12” diameter compost socks using long-lasting black polypropylene mesh! They are available in various standard and custom lengths filled with either our Planter’s Blend Compost (vegetative support and green infrastructure media) or our Grower’s Mulch (stormwater pollutant filtration media) depending on the application. Larger diameter socks will handle larger volumes of water.

Filter Media – Grower’s Mulch – for filtering out stormwater pollutants

Filter socks are used to capture and remove sediment from stormwater. Our Grower’s Mulch is used as a filter media when we produce the filter socks. Applications include sediment control, inlet and storm drain protection, pollutant reduction, and soil erosion reduction.

Growing Media – Planter’s Blend Compost – for supporting seed germination and plant vegetative growth

Grow socks support vegetative growth and green infrastructure. We use our Planter’s Blend Compost when producing our grow socks. Applications include hillside erosion control, pollutant reduction, bioretention basins and rain gardens.

8” x 10’
20 pieces per pallet

8” x 20’
10 pieces per pallet

Continuous 200′

12” x 10’
10 pieces per pallet

8” x 3’
10-50 pieces per pallet

12” x 2’
10-50 pieces per pallet

Minimum order of 10 pieces. All Compost Sock orders are delivered to your address or jobsite on pallets.

Larger sections of Grow Socks are very heavy and difficult to move without work crews and equipment to place them. For home owners, we recommend using the 2′ and 3’ sections.

Compost Socks are made to order and customized to meet your needs. Need a different sock length? Ask us about custom lengths.

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Ask us which compost sock type and size is right for your project. You can also purchase the mesh separately for a blower truck installation. Please Contact Dr. K to discuss your application and work through the logistics.