Dr. K Presents: Compost to Feed the Soil

“Dr. K Presents: Compost to Feed the soil” is a video about what we do at San Pasqual Valley Soils, how we make our composted products, and Sustainable Management Practices (SMP’s). Dr. K’s in-depth presentation on soil biology, the soil food web, and carbon sequestration will help you see the many hidden benefits of using composted products. He explains how you can use our compost and mulch to feed the micro-organisms in the soil and put carbon back in at the same time. This Sustainable Management Practice will improve soil health and remove contaminants in the soil and water table. It will also increase the soil’s water holding capacity which will reduce the amount of water you need to use to grow plants and manage landscaping. The end result is that you have healthier soil and plants, cleaner water, and you will also be mitigating climate change. Watch the video to find out why you should be using our compost and mulch in your garden and landscape.
This video was created by San Diego Ag in the Classroom and sponsored by the County of San Diego and SDGE.